Mapping the confraternities and their contribution to the urban soundscape

Authors: Ruiz Jiménez, Juan; Escrivà Llorca, Ferran


Mapping the confraternities and their contribution to the urban soundscape

The digital platform Historical Soundscapes has been linked to the I+D+i project The Contribution of Confraternities and Guilds to the Urban Soundscape in the Iberian Peninsula, c.1400-c.1700, whose principal investigator is Tess Knighton [PID2019-109422GB-100], which will be developed during the period 2020-2023. Based on the articles that have been added since its online launch on 21 September 2021, Historical Sounscapes begins the cartographic project dedicated to these associations, which from the Middle Ages onwards played an essential role in social welfare and developed an intense spiritual and devotional activity. One of the areas that I am going to develop, as a member of the aforementioned I+D+i project, is the digital cartography of the brotherhoods in the city of Granada, although expanding the chronology to c.1800 so that it coincides with that of our platform. I am taking as my starting point the monumental thesis by Miguel Luis López Muñoz Contrarreforma y cofradías en Granada. Aproximación a la historia de las cofradías y hermandades de la ciudad de Granada durante los siglos XVII y XVII (University of Granada, 1992) and the valuable and systematic information provided by the seventeenth-century chronicler Francisco Henríquez de Jorquera in the three manuscript volumes preserved in the Biblioteca Capitular de Sevilla [sigs. 57-6-31, 57-6-32 and 57-6-33], which were published as Anales de Granada by Antonio Marín Ocete in 1934. This project will also incorporate articles related to this topic for a global geographical framework and hopes to count on the collaboration of the other members of the research project. The user can access the contents of this project through the "Cartographic Projects" tab in the main menu or by using the search engine offered by the Historical Soundscapes platform. We have added the generic tag "confraternities project" to all the articles included, which has been created as a "type of event" for easy identification. As secondary labels, we have included terms that allow us to classify them: sacramental, penitential, Marian confraternities, etc. Likewise, in the "agent" field, labels corresponding to each of the mapped confraternities are added.

Date: 1-1-1400 / --
Created: 10 Nov 2021
Referencing: Ruiz Jiménez, Juan, Escrivà Llorca, Ferran. Mapping the confraternities and their contribution to the urban soundscape. Historical soundscape. 10 Nov 2021, e-ISSN: 2603-686X,DL: GR107-2018.