Villancicos and related genres for the profession of nuns

Authors: Ruiz Jiménez, Juan


Villancicos and related genres for the profession of nuns

The elaborate and codified ceremony for the veiling of nuns of different religious orders incorporated, with a marked regionality, the composition of villancicos and other related genres composed expressly for the occasion. Although the first examples date from the last quarter of the 16th century and were composed by Teresa de Jesús, their dissemination multiplied when the texts began to be printed, well into the 17th century, generally as a further sign of distinction of the family to which the novice to be professed belonged. This project will allow us to study their peculiar geographical distribution, in which a clearly biased and distorted general view seems to be appreciated as a consequence of their own dissemination mechanisms based on literary, printed and manuscript, and musical sources, whose conservation has been mediated by chance, the passage of time, the vicissitudes of the monastic archives and, of course, by the problems of access to them. A good starting point for delving into the functional and literary intricacies of the texts of these poetic compositions is the article by Nieves Baranda Leturio, "Cantos al sacro epitalamio o sea pliegos poéticos para las tomas de velo, Bulletin hispanique 113-1 (2011).

Date: 1-1-1571 / --
Created: 13 May 2022
Referencing: Ruiz Jiménez, Juan. Villancicos and related genres for the profession of nuns. Historical soundscape. 13 May 2022, e-ISSN: 2603-686X,DL: GR107-2018.